1-room | 47 m2 | from 4 264 ₾ per m2 | from 200 447 ₾ |
🟧 Number of buildings | 1 |
🟧 Number of floors | 9 |
🟧 Construction technology | monolithic-frame |
🟧 Elevator | 2 passenger elevators |
🟧 Infrastructure | closed area, landscaped green courtyard, terrace restaurant, gym, beauty salon, wine room, commercial premises |
🟧 Parking | ground level parking |
🟧 Security & Safety | security, CCTV, concierge |
🟧 Apartment renovation | white frame |
🟧 Apartments area | 24,26–81,20 m2 |
🟧 Ceiling height | 3.0 m |
🟧 Number of apartments | 100 |
For sale are 1-room.