📍 Address: Tsikhidziri, Adjara
💰 Price: $160,000
📏 Total area: 260 m²
🌳 Land area: 5000 m²
🛠 Additionally: Storage space — 80 m², underground refrigerator (bunker) — 70 m²
🏠 Floors: 1
🛏 Number of rooms: 6
🛏 Number of bedrooms: 3
🚽 Number of bathrooms: 2
🌿 Site features: A courtyard with palm trees, Christmas trees, flowers, as well as a garden with apples, nuts, tangerines, oranges and lemons.
🌊 Location: 2 km to the sea, 5 km to the botanical garden, 10 km to Batumi
🆔 ID: 470100