5-room townhouses | 158–174 m2 | from 4 404 ₾ per m2 | from 709 507 ₾ |
🟧 Number of buildings | 27 |
🟧 Number of floors | 4 |
🟧 Cadastral number | |
🟧 Communications | gas, water, electricity, sewerage |
🟧 Distance to the seaside | 250m |
🟧 Infrastructure | recreational area, children's playground, swimming pool, restaurant |
🟧 Parking | ground level parking |
🟧 Security & Safety | 24/7 CCTV, security, lobby |
🟧 Apartment renovation | black frame, turn key |
🟧 Apartments area | 158–174 m2 |
🟧 Gasification | yes |
For sale are 5-room townhouses.