
Binadari Nutsubidze

Ramaz Chkhikvadze St, 1
1 house delivered
Apartments from the developer are sold
Apartments for rent
from ‍1 334 ₾

Binadari Nutsubidze on the map of Tbilisi

Project characteristics

О доме

🟧 Number of buildings1
🟧 Number of floors13
🟧 Parkingunderground parking, guest parking
How can we improve this page?

Where is Binadari Nutsubidze located?

Ramaz Chkhikvadze St, 1.

When will Binadari Nutsubidze be commissioned?

Binadari Nutsubidze – delivered.

Are there any apartments for sale from the developer?

According to our information in Binadari Nutsubidze there are currently no apartments available for sale from the developer.

Who is the developer of Binadari Nutsubidze in Tbilisi?

Developer Binadari Nutsubidze – Binadari.