3-bedroom apartments for sale in Tbilisi

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2 489 apartments
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3-bedroom apartment, from 798 135 ₾, 127 m², Greenhill Residence
1 apartment
from ‍798 135 ₾
3 rooms
127 m2
floor 5 of 16
Greenhill Residence
University St, 24 (Greenhill Residence 4.1)
3-bedroom apartment, from 901 838 ₾, 220.6 m², m² Mtatsminda Park
from ‍901 838 ₾
3 rooms
220.6 m2
floor 1 of 5
m² Mtatsminda Park
Innovation St, 20-30 (Block 1)
3-bedroom apartment, from 1 020 803 ₾, 188.42 m², Krtsanisi Grande
1 apartment
from ‍1 020 803 ₾
3 rooms
188.42 m2
floor 8 of 8
Krtsanisi Grande
Krtsanisi Lane, 17 (Block D)
3-bedroom apartment, from 466 084 ₾, 122.9 m², Monolith Ethno City
from ‍466 084 ₾
3 rooms
122.9 m2
floor 1 of 6
Monolith Ethno City
near Nadirvari St, 34 (4 sector, block B)
3-bedroom apartment, from 467 655 ₾, 107.9 m², Monolith Ethno City
from ‍467 655 ₾
3 rooms
107.9 m2
floor 4-6 of 6
Monolith Ethno City
near Nadirvari St, 34 (1 sector, block A)
3-bedroom apartment, from 819 188 ₾, 127.6 m², Greenhill Residence
1 apartment
from ‍819 188 ₾
3 rooms
127.6 m2
floor 10 of 16
Greenhill Residence
University St, 24 (Greenhill Residence 4.2)
3-bedroom apartment, from 819 188 ₾, 127.6 m², Greenhill Residence
1 apartment
from ‍819 188 ₾
3 rooms
127.6 m2
floor 10 of 16
Greenhill Residence
University St, 24 (Greenhill Residence 4.1)
3-bedroom apartment, from 365 369 ₾, 112.4 m², Viva Davidsville
3 apartments
from ‍365 369 ₾
3 rooms
112.4 m2
floor 2-5 of 12
Viva Davidsville
David Agmashenebeli Alley 138 km (Block 1)
3-bedroom apartment, from 335 626 ₾, 123.9 m², Parnavaz Mepe Ave, 8
from ‍335 626 ₾
3 rooms
123.9 m2
floor 11, 15 of 19
Parnavaz Mepe Ave, 8
3-bedroom apartment, from 500 053 ₾, 130 m², Monolith Ethno City
from ‍500 053 ₾
3 rooms
130 m2
floor 1-6 of 6
Monolith Ethno City
near Nadirvari St, 34 (8 sector, block А)
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Prices for new buildings in Tbilisi areas

Isanifrom ‍3 020 ₾ / m2
Chuguretifrom ‍4 564 ₾ / m2
Nadzaladevifrom ‍3 052 ₾ / m2
Mtatsmindafrom ‍6 438 ₾ / m2
Vakefrom ‍4 491 ₾ / m2
Didubefrom ‍3 442 ₾ / m2
Krtsanisifrom ‍3 990 ₾ / m2
Saburtalofrom ‍3 204 ₾ / m2
Samgorifrom ‍2 676 ₾ / m2
Gldanifrom ‍2 635 ₾ / m2

Prices for apartments in Tbilisi areas

Isanifrom ‍61 084 ₾
Chuguretifrom ‍102 719 ₾
Nadzaladevifrom ‍85 437 ₾
Mtatsmindafrom ‍167 471 ₾
Vakefrom ‍67 721 ₾
Didubefrom ‍73 036 ₾
Krtsanisifrom ‍81 298 ₾
Saburtalofrom ‍66 223 ₾
Samgorifrom ‍75 576 ₾
Gldanifrom ‍73 138 ₾

Prices for new buildings in other cities

Saguramofrom ‍3 047 ₾ / m2
Rustavifrom ‍2 186 ₾ / m2
Manglisifrom ‍2 207 ₾ / m2
Bazaletifrom ‍2 641 ₾ / m2
Telavifrom ‍2 844 ₾ / m2
Gorifrom ‍2 118 ₾ / m2
Gudaurifrom ‍4 187 ₾ / m2
Bakurianifrom ‍3 418 ₾ / m2
Borjomifrom ‍2 318 ₾ / m2
Kutaisifrom ‍2 546 ₾ / m2
Bakhmarofrom ‍5 146 ₾ / m2
Kobuletifrom ‍3 627 ₾ / m2
Shekvetilifrom ‍3 906 ₾ / m2
Urekifrom ‍2 578 ₾ / m2
Chakvifrom ‍3 451 ₾ / m2
Makhinjaurifrom ‍2 871 ₾ / m2
Zugdidifrom ‍2 551 ₾ / m2
Potifrom ‍2 139 ₾ / m2
Batumifrom ‍3 862 ₾ / m2
Goniofrom ‍7 156 ₾ / m2

Prices for apartments in other cities

Saguramofrom ‍731 389 ₾
Rustavifrom ‍70 430 ₾
Manglisifrom ‍91 039 ₾
Bazaletifrom ‍80 588 ₾
Telavifrom ‍72 895 ₾
Gorifrom ‍71 513 ₾
Gudaurifrom ‍94 988 ₾
Bakurianifrom ‍58 210 ₾
Borjomifrom ‍62 005 ₾
Kutaisifrom ‍70 782 ₾
Kobuletifrom ‍58 971 ₾
Shekvetilifrom ‍123 929 ₾
Urekifrom ‍87 360 ₾
Chakvifrom ‍69 685 ₾
Makhinjaurifrom ‍70 226 ₾
Zugdidifrom ‍92 439 ₾
Potifrom ‍103 369 ₾
Batumifrom ‍48 759 ₾
Goniofrom ‍48 759 ₾