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๐ง แกแแฎแแแแแก แ แแแแแแแแ | 3 |
๐ง แกแแ แแฃแแแแแแแ | 18 |
๐ง แแจแแแแแแแแแก แขแแฅแแแแแแแ | แแแแแแแแฃแ แ-แฉแแ แฉแ |
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๐ง แกแแแแแแกแขแ แ แแแแ | |
๐ง แแแแแแแ แแแแ | แแฌแแแแ แแแ แแแกแ |
๐ง แแแแแแแก แ แแแแแแแแ | 375 |
๐ง แแแแแแแก แคแแ แแแแ | 44โ126 แ2 |
๐ง แญแแ แแก แกแแแแฆแแ | 3.2 แ |
House on Shandor Petepi 42, 44 is a contemporary high-rise building that offers affordable apartments and well-thought-out layouts.
Rising at Shandor Petepi 42, 44, the new residential complex is nestled in a densely built-up district of Vazisuban in Tbilisi. The Kura River is 4 kilometres away, while the Tbilisi sea and arboretum are 5 kilometres away. Placed right next to a busy highway, the new complex is surrounded by apartment buildings.
The residential complex is within walking distance of numerous amenities and facilities, including grocery stores, a supermarket, a pharmacy, a gas station, cafรฉs, the general education school No.157, a kindergarten, and a bank office.
Within a one-kilometre radius, there are restaurants, a wide array of schools, such as No.90, No.92, No.139, No.172, and Albion, a few kindergartens, and Tbilisi Central Hospital.
The new development benefits from easy access to Kakheti Highway. Moreover, House on Shandor Petepi 42, 44 is placed right next to a bus stop located at Sรกndor Petลfi Street, where you can hop on the bus routes No.25 and No.50 that stop by every 20 minutes. 900 metres away stands a rapid transit station. Varketili Station is within a 15-minute walk.
Samgori Bus Terminal and Navtlugi Railway Station are no more than 4 kilometres away. Furthermore, it takes just 20 minutes to reach Tbilisi Shota Rustaveli International Airport by car.
House on Shandor Petepi 42, 44 in Tbilisi is a contemporary 12-storey building, developed in accordance with international standards and built with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies and the best materials that meet the environmental safety criteria. These measures guarantee the highest operational characteristics possible, yet ensure affordable maintenance cost.
Laid with bricks, the building meets all the necessary energy efficiency and resistance requirements. The supporting structure comprises a reinforced concrete monolithic framework perched on a solid cast foundation. The faรงade is equipped with an effective insulator and coated with decorative plaster. The flat rooftop features soft waterproofing membranes and an internal drainage system.
The new building comes with low-noise, high-capacity lifts, technological equipment that ensures smooth operation of all systems, and utilities. The entrance halls sport interior finishes.
In accordance with the plan, the territory of the new complex is beautifully landscaped and includes ornamental plants, trees, and shrubs. The immediate area of the building is streaked with footpaths and driveways, illuminated by streetlights. To ensure that future residents have a place to relax and catch a breath, the new complex features seating areas with benches.
There is underground parking for residents, coupled with a small ground-level parking lot for visitors.
The new residential complex offers two options of finishes: โwhite frameโ and โblack frameโ.
All apartments benefit from spacious open balconies with metal railings and metal-plastic double-glazed windows, which provide efficient insulation.
The ergonomically designed units make sure that there are no โemptyโ zones.
The apartments are available for purchase by making a lump-sum payment. To find out about instalment and mortgage terms, you can contact the sales office.
Platinum Vazisubani is responsible for the construction of House on Shandor Petepi 42, 44. The companyโs expertise lies in creating contemporary developments in Tbilisi.